#RaisingAwareness #SafetyCall
Today #October13th is #WorldThrombosisDay! A day to create awareness of the risk of blood clot formation in hospitalized patients. Those undergoing surgery, on cancer treatment and chronically ill patients.
We receive many pregnant women in our service. Pregnancy is also a risk factor especially in older age, with multiple gestation, obesity, assisted reproductive technology and following CS. Ask your doctor of your risk.
Patients with cancer stand a risk of #CancerAssociatedThrombosis. Cancer have a 4 to 6 fold increased risk of developing a blood clot and 20% of them may die of a blood clot and not the cancer. Ask your doctor about your risk.
We have many patients with #SickleCellDisease receiving care in our facility. Dysregulation of inflammation and coagulation in SCD result in a hypercoagulable state can potentiate thrombosis. Know your risk and prevent it.